Friday, September 22, 2017

Museum is Open for Tours 9/23 & 9/24

Tour Schifferstadt this weekend September 23rd and 24th from 1pm - 4pm.

Mark your calendar for Oktoberfest at Schifferstadt Oct. 21st , 10am - 5pm and Oct. 22nd, 12pm -5pm. Rotary of Fredericktowne partners with us to make this event happen. 

Volunteers from our community are needed for this fun and festive event! Email us

Monday, September 18, 2017

Oktoberfest is October 21st and 22nd

This popular annual event is cosponsored by Rotary Club of Fredericktowne and Landmarks.  The event takes place on the grounds of Schifferstadt. This festival features music, German food, historic demonstrations, and gorgeous hand-crafted items, fine art, and more!

Even times: 10-21, 10am - 5pm, and 10-22, 12noon - 5pm

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Museum is open for tours on 9-16 & 9-17

Schifferstadt in September is sublime.

If you are out for bike ride or walk on the multi-use path in Frederick, stop by Schifferstadt for a tour of one of the oldest structures in Frederick. We are open 1pm - 4pm Saturday 9/16 and Sunday 9/17.

Frederick Fiber Fellowship - Workshop on Schifferstadt Grounds:
September 17th, 1pm - 4pm - in the backyard of Schifferstadt. Enjoy Nature Weaving with Dara Cristin at Schifferstadt. Some items will be used from the Schifferstadt Heritage Garden.

Oktoberfest is October 21st & 22nd:
Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 12pm -5pm - Join us for this fun, annual event that is important to the sustainability of Schifferstadt Museum.  Admission to the grounds is free. You can also email us if interested in volunteering.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Open September 9th and 10th: 1pm - 4pm

The docents at Schifferstadt are here this Saturday and Sunday ready to give you a tour of this special historic house built in the 1700's. Learn about the early Germans who built it and more history of Frederick. 
Further down in this blog are our upcoming events! Take a look.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Schifferstadt Events

Mark your calendars this week for these presentations and events coming soon! 

Archaeology of Schifferstadt:
September 13th, 7pm - at the C. Burr Artz Library -  retired archaeologist, Hettie L. Ballweber, will present a report on the archaeology previously done at the Schifferstadt Architectural Museum. The program is in honor of the site being named as a National Historic Landmark. She will include the various items discovered from the landowners, beginning with the Brunners through the Myers, Steiner and Krantz families as well as some of the prehistoric materials located during the excavation.
Community Room of the C. Burr Artz Library, 110 East Patrick Street in downtown Frederick. Free and open to the public.  For additional information, visit the Society's web page at< or call 301-378-0212

Frederick Fiber Fellowship - Workshop on Schifferstadt Grounds:
September 17th, 1pm - 4pm - in the backyard of Schifferstadt. Enjoy Nature Weaving with Dara Cristin at Schifferstadt. Some items will be used from the Schifferstadt Heritage Garden.

Oktoberfest is October 21st & 22nd:
Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 12pm -5pmJoin us for this fun, annual event that is important to the sustainability of Schifferstadt Museum.  Admission to the grounds is free.